The following courses are on rolling enrollment, so students can start any day of the year. As an affiliate school, your cost for the credit courses are below.
Course Title: Basic Math – Prealgebra (Aligns with one year of high school Prealgebra.)
Course Code: MATU 085
Course Price: $499.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: None
Transfer: Remedial at the college level. Can be used as a prerequisite, but not towards college graduation.
Course Description:
This course was designed for students who need to build skills in Basic Math and Prealgebra. The course covers all the essential topics needed to be successful in Algebra. Topics include basic operations with integers and real numbers, fractions, decimals, exponents, order of operation, conversion of units, percents, radicals, linear equations, radicals, mathematical modeling, data interpretation and statistics, area, perimeter and volume of geometric figures, and the coordinate plane.
Course Title: Elementary Algebra (Aligns with one year of high school Algebra l.)
Course Code: MATU 090
Course Price: $499.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: Students should know basic operations with fractions, decimals and area and perimeter formulas for common geometric figures.
Transfer: Remedial at the college level. Can be used as a prerequisite, but not towards college graduation.
Course Description: This course was designed for students without any algebraic background. The course covers all the essential topics needed to be successful in Intermediate Algebra. Topics include algebraic techniques on real numbers, order of operation, exponents, absolute value, factoring, inequalities, polynomials, rational expressions and equations, radical expressions and equations, linear and quadratic equations, graphs of linear equations, graphs of inequalities, linear systems, systems of inequalities, and mathematical modeling. Upon completion, students will be able to solve real world applications and use appropriate models for analysis.
Course Title: Plane Geometry (Aligns with one year of high school Geometry.)
Course Code: MATU 098
Course Price: $499.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: Either a year of high school Algebra l or one semester of Elementary Algebra with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: Remedial at the college level. Can be used as a prerequisite, but not towards college graduation.
Course Description: This course was designed to prepare students in the understanding of properties and applications in Euclidean geometry. Extensive use of definitions, postulates and theorems are used throughout this course to write proofs using deductive reasoning. Critical thinking skills are used in solving real world applications. Topics include angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, congruence, similar triangles, properties and applications of right triangles, introduction to trigonometry, constructions, transformations, polygons, circles, area, perimeter, surface area, volume, and three-dimensional space.
Course Title: Intermediate Algebra (Aligns with one year of high school Algebra ll.)
Course Code: MATU 099
Course Price: $499.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: Either a year of high school Algebra l or one semester of Elementary Algebra with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 2-year college degree applicable
Course Description: Intermediate Algebra was designed to broaden and expand the concepts of Elementary Algebra. This course covers all the essential topics needed to be successful in College Algebra, Precalculus and/or Statistics. Topics include algebraic techniques on real numbers, order of operation, exponents, absolute value, factoring, inequalities, polynomials, rational expressions and equations, radical expressions and equations, linear and quadratic equations, complex numbers, graphs of linear and quadratic equations, graphs of inequalities, nonlinear inequalities, functions and their graphs, logarithmic and exponential functions, linear systems, systems of inequalities, sequences and series, and mathematical modeling. Upon completion, students will be able to solve real world applications and use appropriate models for analysis.
Course Title: College Algebra
Course Code: MATU 101
Course Price: $599.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: Presents a study of College Algebra and Analytic Geometry with an emphasis on mathematical modeling. The student will analyze functions in depth including transformations, inverses and compositions, while paying particular attention to quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions and their graphs. Other topics include complex numbers, the binomial theorem, arithmetic and geometric sequences, series, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and determinants, partial fractions, algebraic equations and inequalities, conic sections and probability. The student will solve applications and modeling problems related to the above topics. Upon completion, students should be able to solve practical problems and use appropriate models for analysis. This course is designed to prepare students for Calculus.
Course Title: Trigonometry (Aligns with one year of high school Trigonometry.)
Course Code: MATU 102
Course Price: $499.00
Credits: 4 semester
Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra with a grade of C or better. Precalculus or College Algebra with a grade of C or better is recommended.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: This course provides a study of the relationships between angles and sides of triangles, relationships between central angles and coordinate points on a circle, right triangles, circular functions, degree/radian measures of angles, trigonometric functions of angles, inverse functions, identities, graphic representations of trigonometric functions, law of sines and cosines, trigonometric equations, solutions of right and oblique triangles equations, vectors, complex numbers, and polar coordinates. Upon completion, students should be able to solve practical problems and use appropriate models for analysis. 4 credits
Course Title: Precalculus (Aligns with one year of high school Precalculus.)
Course Code: MATU 104
Course Price: $569.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: This course was designed to emphasize topics which are fundamental to the study of calculus. The student will analyze functions in depth including transformations, inverses and compositions, while paying particular attention to quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions and their graphs. Other topics include right triangle trigonometry, trigonometric identities and equations, vectors, complex numbers, Laws of sines and cosines, the binomial theorem, arithmetic, geometric sequences and series, systems, partial fractions, matrices and determinants, conic sections and probability. The student will solve applications and modeling problems related to the above topics. Upon completion, students will be able to solve practical problems and use appropriate models for analysis.
Course Title: Business Calculus
Course Code: MATU 112
Course Price: $544.00
Credits: 4 semester
Prerequisite: College Algebra and Trigonometry or Precalculus with Trigonometry with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: A study of Calculus with emphasis placed on the applications and concepts relating to business and management problems. The course explores mathematical concepts, methods and applications from life issues, science, business, finance and environmental issues. Derivatives and integrals of functions including polynomials, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions are covered. 4 credits
Course Title: Calculus l
Course Code: MATU 115
Course Price: $569.00
Credits: 4 semester
Prerequisite: College Algebra and Trigonometry or Precalculus with Trigonometry with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: Presents a study of analytic geometry, limits, continuity, the calculus of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, as well as applications of the derivative and integral. Each topic is taught geometrically, numerically, and algebraically. The course explores mathematical concepts, methods and applications from life issues, science, business, finance and environmental issues. 4 credits
Course Title: Calculus ll
Course Code: MATU 116
Course Price: $569.00
Credits: 4 semester
Prerequisite: Calculus l with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: Presents a continuing study of integration techniques, applications to physics and engineering, improper integrals, transcendental functions, first order differential equations, series and sequences, parametric equations and polar coordinates. Each topic is taught geometrically, numerically, and algebraically. 4 credits
Course Title: Calculus lll
Course Code: MATU 117
Course Price: $569.00
Credits: 4 semester
Prerequisite: Calculus ll with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: Presents a study of differentiation and integration of functions of several variables, parametric curves and surfaces, and the calculus of vector fields. Topics are inclusive of, but not limited to, multivariable vector functions, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, surfaces and hyper surfaces, parametric equations, multiple integrals using several different coordinate systems, line integrals, Green's Theorem, the Divergence Theorem and Stokes Theorem. 4 credits
Course Title: Introduction to Statistics and Probability
Course Code: MATU 204
Course Price: $569.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: A study of descriptive and inferential statistics and its applications to the fields of economics, business, ecology, psychology, education, mathematics and applied science. Topics are inclusive of, but not limited to, the analysis and classification of data, numerical summary measures, probability, discrete and continuous probability distributions, statistics and their sampling distribution, the Central Limit Theorem, point estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing with one and two samples, correlation and regression, Chi-Test and the F-Distribution, Analysis of Variance, and Nonparametric Tests. Upon completion, students will be able to solve real world problems and use appropriate models for analysis.
Course Title: General Biology (Aligns with one year of high school General Biology.)
Course Code: BIOU 101
Course Price: $509.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: College Reading and Composition
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: An introduction to the major concepts of biology with emphasis on its relevance to current problems in the world. The course stresses the scientific process, genetics, heredity, cellular structure, cellular chemistry, evolution, reproduction, ecology, behavior, and diversity of plants and animals.
Course Title: Human Anatomy with or without Laboratory
Course Code: BIOU 201
Course Price: $578.00
Credits: 3 semester without lab, and 4 semester credits with lab
Prerequisite: Introductory or General Biology with a grade of C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: This course provides a study of the anatomical structure of the human body. Emphasis on gross and histological study of the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.
Course Title: Human Physiology with or without Laboratory
Course Code: BIOU 202
Course Price: $578.00
Credits: 3 semester without lab, and 4 semester credits with lab
Prerequisite: Human Anatomy and Principles of Chemistry with a C or better.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: Presents the physiology of human body systems with emphasis upon functions of muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.
Course Title: Microbiology with or without Laboratory
Course Code: BIOU 203
Course Price: $578.00
Credits: 3 semester without lab, and 4 semester credits with lab
Prerequisite: Introductory or General Biology with a grade of C or better. Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: This course is an Introduction to microorganisms as biological entities. Topics include microscopy, cell structures and functions, metabolism, genetics, disease transmission, host response to microbial invasion, control of infectious disease, impact of microbes on the environment and applications of microorganisms to industrial and environmental problems.
Course Title: Principles of Chemistry with or without Laboratory (Aligns with one year of high school Chemistry.)
Course Code: CHMU 102
Course Price: $538.00
Credits: 3 semester without lab, and 4 semester credits with lab
Prerequisite: Intermediate Algebra with a grade of C or better. Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: Presents an introduction to chemistry and chemical laboratory techniques covering the basic principles and applications of chemistry. Designed for general education and students in programs that require a chemistry background. Topics include metric and English conversions, atomic theory, solution preparation and their properties, chemical reactions, inorganic chemical nomenclature, bonding, periodic table, mass relationships and acid/base theory.
Course Title: Introduction to Psychology
Course Code: PSYU 101
Course Price: $528.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: None
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to psychology as the scientific study of mental processes and human behavior. Biological, environmental and social factors which influence human behavior are examined as well as how humans feel, reason, remember, learn and develop. Psychological disorders and therapy methods are introduced.
Course Title: English Composition (Aligns with AP English Composition.)
Course Code: ENGU 103
Course Price: $525.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: ENGU 099 with a grade of C or better or assessment test placement.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: Provides a study of and practice in the use of language and writing of argumentative, analytical essays and research papers. Emphasis is on college-level expository essay construction, communication, and research methods.
The following two courses are not on rolling enrollment. They start the first of each month and run for eight weeks. The instructor permits late adds up to two weeks into the course, so the longest a student must wait to get into these courses is two weeks. The instructor will help late adds catch up in the course.
Course Title: College Reading and Composition (Aligns with senior year high school English, college prep.)
Course Code: ENGU 099
Course Price: $525.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: None
Transfer: Remedial at the college level. Can be used as a prerequisite, but not towards college graduation.
Course Description: Provides a basic course in college reading and writing. Emphasis is on sentence structure, paragraph and essay structure, grammar, and critical thinking skills.
Course Title: Literature and the Art of the Narrative
Course Code: ENGU 102
Course Price: $525.00
Credits: 3 semester
Prerequisite: English Composition with a grade of C or better, assessment test placement or consent of instructor.
Transfer: 4-year college degree applicable
Course Description: This course will survey various narrative techniques across a broad spectrum of genres, including novels, short stories, graphic novels and comic books, television, and the movies. The student will examine how we tell stories, but also ask the question why narrative is so integral to the human condition.