Westcott Courses

Online Education - your way!

Register for Methods of Proof in Mathematics

Methods of Proof in Mathematics
Rolling Enrollment
Online Course
Payment Plan available
Credit Type: Credit
Course Price: $973.00

Payment Plan Option
1st payment: $538.65
2nd payment: $441.35
Total Price: $980

Westcott Courses & Omega Math is a secure e-commerce website.

Student Information

/ /
( mm / dd / yyyy )
  ( must be 6-25 characters )

Payment plan

Select this option if you wish to make two payments instead of one. A service charge of $3.50 is added to each payment; your card will be charged $538.65 today, and will be charged the other $441.35 30 days from today.
By checking this box, you are agreeing to pay $538.65 now, and $441.35 in 30 days.

IMPORTANT – If you need a transcript in less than 6-7 weeks from your date of enrollment, DO NOT use the payment plan! Click here for more details about the payment plan and an early transcript.

Payment Information


Billing Information

If the cardholder has a different address or name than the student, please enter the correct information for the cardholder here.

Associated School

Are you a student from one of the colleges above? Transcripts can be sent to any college; however, these colleges have an admin account within our system to keep track of their students.

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Terms of Service

Please accept the Terms of Service before proceeding.

If you are having problems enrolling, please call the office and we will be happy to help you.   805-489-2831