Westcott Courses

Online Education - your way!

How it Works

We offer individual online college transferable courses from a regionally accredited university for students in the U.S., and around the world!

  • Take one or several courses then transfer the credits to your college.
  • Enrollment is always open; classes are never closed.
  • Fill out a one page form and you are ready to start the course today!
  • Work at your own pace, finish the course and order a transcript!
  • Students receive five months of access plus a free 30-day extension.
  • Most students finish in 6 - 12 weeks.
  • Students have to work on the class for at least a month before they can take the final, but have up to six months. Thus, students should finish the course between one and six months.
  • Students can complete no more than one module per day. If a student is able to complete one module per day, then they will be ready to take the final in 30 days.
  • A college instructor is attached to each course.
  • All students pay the same low cost per course regardless of which U.S. state or country they live in.
  • Credit courses receive a transcript from UMass Global, noncredit courses receive a certificate of educational achievement from Westcott Courses.
  • A payment plan is available.
  • Our L.M.S. is easy to use!
  • All of our courses are completely online, including the laboratories for the science courses. For example, we use the University of Wisconsin's school of medicine's open source videos for our Human Anatomy labs.

Our partner University is University of Massachusetts Global (UMass Global), which is regionally accredited by the WSCUC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).  Your transcript comes directly from UMass Global's records office.  We have been with UMass Global for many years, and we have had students transfer the credits to Harvard, Yale and other top colleges.

transferable courses

How Long Does It Take?

The best part of taking a transferable course through Westcott Courses is that you can work at your own pace! 

Once you start, you receive five months of access to the course, and you can request one free 30-day extension per course if necessary to finish. Most students complete their courses in 6 to 12 weeks. 

You don't need to be online at certain times of the day and you don’t have deadlines per assignment. You just need to finish the course between one and six months.

Students can complete no more than one module per day. If a student is able to complete one module per day, then they will be ready to take the final in 30 days.

All of your coursework, including any labs, can be done from home, and only the final exam is proctored. You can use our approved online proctor for your final exam, so the entire course can be completed online!

How Does the Transferable Course Credit Option Work?

Westcott Courses creates online curriculum that meets or exceeds college requirements for remedial and transferable courses. We provide the content, the teachers, and the platform. 

UMass Global, our partner university, reviews the course content to verify it meets regional accreditation standards, and then provides semester credits for the course. 

Students complete the course with us and then order a transcript from UMass Global's records office. Since Westcott Courses is considered the teacher, we do not appear on the transcript. The official transcript from UMass Global will show our course the same way it would show a traditional class taken on their campus. See Transferring the Credit for more information.

Taking a course through this program does not require being enrolled at UMass Global as a regular student. Anyone can receive semester credits and a transcript by signing up for a transferable course. Everyone has the opportunity to earn college credits through UMass Global, which is part of the University of Massachusetts system!

All coursework is done at home unproctored; however, to meet regional accreditation standards, all courses (except English courses) must have a proctored final. Your college will require a proctored final to accept the transfer credits. Students can take their proctored final using the online proctor or go to a local college testing center or Sylvan Learning Center. Students are responsible for the proctor fee. See Proctored Final Instructions for more information.

How the Noncredit Option Works

Westcott Courses & Omega MathTM is the teacher of the course(s), and a certificate of completion is issued by Westcott Courses. Noncredit Options are a great solution for students who are looking to personally widen their knowledge base, gifted K-12 students who want to continue to move forward in their education, and students who need refresher courses.

A course under the noncredit option cannot be used towards college graduation; however, it may be able to be used as a prerequisite at some colleges, such as College of the Desert.

You can view the Associated Colleges page to see if your school is listed. If your school is not on the list, then it would be in your best interest to select the credit option for an official transcript and semester credits from UMass Global.

How Do the Omega MathTM Courses Work?

We have twelve trademarked Omega MathTM mathematics courses that we have written and software engineered.  Our format is very popular among students, and many have told us that our format has enabled them to understand math for the first time!

Each lesson of our Omega MathTM courses contains many examples and interactive problems that start out with the easiest level, and then move slowly to more advanced problems. Each test & quiz can be taken twice, and only the higher score is counted toward the grade.

These math courses provide all the lessons, homework, solution manuals, quizzes and tests inside an easy to use LMS. The homework problems come in pairs where each odd & even problem works in the same manner. The solution manual provides all the answers, and the odd problems are worked out in detail. This enables students to see the pattern, which is the key to understanding mathematics!

Once you enroll, you have five months of access with a 30 day extension at the end if needed. However, you can finish as soon as you are able, with a minimum coursework time of at least four weeks (Exceptions to this rule are available.) Most students finish the math courses in 4 to 12 weeks.

How Do I Sign Up for Transferable Courses?

You can start taking your courses today in just 5 easy steps!
1. Choose your transferable course.
2. Choose the semester credit option.
3. Tap the "Enroll Now" button, and fill out the one page form.
4. Choose your payment method. (full or payment plan)
5. Start your transferable course today!

Students can enroll in as many courses as they want. Enrollment is always open, and you can begin your class as soon as you sign up. As soon as a course is complete, you can order your transcript from our partner university.

Note: The remedial courses offered by Westcott Courses ( ENGU 099, MATU 085, 090, 098 and 099 ) should be accepted by your college to be used as a prerequisite toward a higher level course. While these credits cannot be used toward your 4-year degree, they do help lay a strong foundation of knowledge necessary for higher level courses that are required for your degree. 

Our Exclusive Partnership

Our exclusive partner university is University of Massachusetts Global (UMass Global). They are regionally accredited by the WSCUC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), and award an official transcript with semester credits for our courses. 

View our partnership with UMass Global on their web site.

Once a student finishes a course, their grade is sent to UMass Global. Students then order their transcript directly from UMass Global's records office. Since Westcott Courses is the teacher, we do not appear on the transcript. The official transcript from UMass Global will show our course the same way it would show a traditional class taken on their campus, and it does not say the course was completed online.

Why Not Go Directly Through UMass Global for Transferable Course Credits?

Westcott Courses is the content provider and instructor, and has developed these courses for students who are not regular students at UMass Global. Our courses do not require you apply to the university as a matriculated student.

Any student in any state or country can take our courses at the same price, and receive full semester credits from UMass Global. These courses (and prices) are only available through our site, and are not available directly through the university.   You can view our courses on UMass Global's site at umassglobal.edu/westcott.  This page on UMass Global's web site, will route you back to Westcott Courses for enrollment.

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